Professional portfolios are something that you can use throughout your career as a professional educator. Having one is very important because it shows your qualifications and it is a representation of yourself that you can show employers and others in order to help get you a job. Your portfolio shows a lot about yourself and you should take pride in it. This past semester I needed to put together my professional portfolio for my Pre-Student Teaching class. Everyone made a hard copy of their portfolio in a binder which is great to be able to bring that to a job interview to show your possible future employer. But what happens when you randomly run into a person on the street, begin to have a conversation with them and figure out that they may be a principal of a school or and athletic director who is looking for a physical education teacher,or the employer that you just interviewed with wants to look at your portfolio more but you only have one hard copy of it. The answer is make an electronic portfolio. This way, you can simply give the person the website of your electronic portfolio and then they can look at when they have time to.
Here is the website of my electronic portfolio. I just started it the other day so it is still a work in progress but please take a look at it and feel free to give me feedback on it so that it can help me improve it.
Electronic portfolios make it much easier for employers to look at it and it is very simple to be able to just give someone the website of your portfolio so they can look at it on their own time. This way, you can provide many employers with a way of knowing your qualifications and strengths as a professional educator.
John Roth PE
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
2011 NYSAHPERD Conference Video
Here is a short video from the 2011 New York State AHPERD Conference that me and a few of my fellow physical education majors from SUNY Cortland made from interviews that we were able to get from the conference.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Physical Education Philosophy
As a professional educator there are 5 main beliefs for what I do and for what I value in the field of physical education. These 5 main beliefs are respect, active participation, inclusion, lifetime activities, and healthy lifestyles.
Respect is an important aspect of any part of life. Having respect for others is key to receiving respect from others. In physical education, respect if important because of the large amount of social interaction that takes place due to the amount of physical activity being performed. It is also important because of the wide variety of skill levels that are present in each class and the difference in personalities of each student. If students are respectful to each other on a constant basis, the chance that bullying will arise decreases dramatically and the environment that the students are participating in will be a very positive one for everyone. This is very important for student learning because if the learning environment is a positive one, then the students will focus on the learning, instead of the environment they are in.

In order to get all of the students to participate and enjoy physical education, it is imperative that you have a way to reach all of your students and to be able to challenge them so that they can keep on succeeding and having fun. Inclusion in physical education is essential. This means being able to modify the activities that you have planned for class so that all of your students can be working on a skill that they need to practice all of the time. This is very important whenever you may have a student with a disability in your class. By being able to modify activities that your regular physical education class is doing, in most cases you will be able to include the student with a disability into that class. By being able to have something for students of all skill levels to do and work on during class, it keeps the students on task while also allowing them to succeed and progress from their current skill level. If you do not modify activities to include all students, then the students who either cannot perform a skill or are not able to be involved during class will get turned off and not want to actively participate at all.

My Coaching Philosophy
As an athletics enthusiast and a coach, there are 5 major beliefs that I focus on, value, and implement for each one of my athletic teams. These 5 beliefs are teamwork, dedication, leadership, family, and success.
On any team, teamwork is most likely a top priority. Teamwork is essential for a team to become proficient and have success. Without teamwork, a team is not a real team. Players and coaches have to work hand-in-hand with each other and they have to do it well. Many good teams are said to have good “team chemistry.” This is that they have very good teamwork. Players work well together and they respect each other. They know that they are all working together towards a common goal and they will do the best that they can in order to help the team out. Teamwork may be a hard quality of a team to achieve in a short time period, but when taught correctly and reinforced on a daily basis, teamwork can be achieved and improved fairly quickly.

My next major belief is leadership. On every team, there can a number of leaders. Different players can be leaders at different times. However, there always needs to be at least one leader at all times. You cannot have everyone be a follower at the same time or success will be very difficult to achieve. A coach needs to be a great leader. They need to be a person that the players and assistant coaches can look to in a time of need. They know when they need to show confidence for the team and they need to be able to bring the team together and get them motivated. It is great to have some players on the team that can be good leaders because they can relate to the other players and help the coach out a little bit with leading the team, but a coach needs to always be a leader. Leadership does not mean making all of the decisions for the team and being the only one who takes the team into account. Leadership means taking the team into account and seeing what players and coaches feel is the best for the team while being able to put forth ideas to help the team succeed to their best ability.
A good team is like a family. You have every person on the team working together for the best of the team and what effects one person affects everyone on the team. In a family, everyone has each other’s backs and they support each other. They are there when they need each other and they help out when they can. This in no way comes quickly. It takes time and effort among the players as well as shared experiences of playing with each other. However, when this is achieved, a team becomes so close and can become great.
My last major belief of coaching is success. When coaching an athletic team, success is the ultimate goal. This not only means success on the score board by winning games, but it means progressing as a team from year to year, achieving the “family” status, working together as one unit, or achieving any other goal that your team has for it. Setting realistic goals and working hard towards goals is important for any team to experience success. There is no greater feeling than seeing your team succeed and seeing all of their hard work pay off in the end.
My Philosophy on Education
As a professional educator, I rest my philosophy of education upon 5 main beliefs. All together, these 5 beliefs provide the basis for what I value, what I do, and why I do it as a professional educator. These beliefs are motivation, cooperation, respect, social interaction, responsibility.
Motivation is an essential aspect of any good education program. We must do everything that we can, as professional educators, to try to reach out to all of our students and to get them motivated to learn. If students are not motivated to come to school and to learn, then it may reflect in their grade which is the last thing that we as teachers want to happen. Students who are motivated will have more fun while learning and have a better educational experience than those who are not motivated to be there. Motivating students starts with the teachers being just as motivated to be there to teach their students. If teachers are not motivated, then there is virtually no chance that the students are going to be motivated.
Cooperation is an aspect that can make every school that much better. In good and great schools, there is cooperation among everyone. There is cooperation among faculty members, among students, among teachers and students, and so on. A school where there is cooperation among everyone can be a very efficient one. Cooperation helps with everyone knowing what is going on in the school and everyone being on the same page. This provides for less confusion between teachers, students, and faculty while also providing for team teaching and cross curriculum teaching. Both of these have been shown to help increase student learning, which is a very important goal of every school.
For cooperation to be as high as it can be, there also needs to be respect between everyone in the school. Respect is a quality that is important in having a good educational program and school setting. If everyone is respectful to each other, cooperation among everyone will be even more effective and students and teachers will get the most out of it as there is possible. Having respect for each other allows for students to interact together during school in a safe environment because each student knows that their opinions and beliefs will be respected by their peers, instead of shot down by them. This is my next belief which includes social interaction.
While children are at school, along with the education that they are receiving, social interaction with their peers is the next most evident aspect of school. Throughout the entire school year, students are in class together, working on projects, helping each other study or talking about what is going on in each other’s lives. A school should be a place where this inevitable social interaction can take place in a safe environment so that there is a little negative social interaction, such as bullying, as possible. This goes hand in hand with students having a positive educational experience which is a responsibility of each school.
This brings me to my last main belief which is responsibility. Every good education program has a responsibility to provide the students with a quality education while they attend school. The school’s faculty and staff have a responsibility to make sure that the school is a safe environment for all students to interact and learn with their peers. Every teacher has the responsibility to do their best to help each student succeed to their highest ability every time possible. Every school has the responsibility to put their students first and to always keep their students in mind every time that a decision needs to be made about their education.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
My Teaching Advice

Another piece of advice that I received that sticks out in my mind is advice that I got from a teacher when I was doing observation at a middle school. I asked him what he believe an effective teacher was and this was his response:
"The obvious answer is a teacher that can get there students through the course. The less obvious answer is a teacher who can inspire a student to try or to care just a little more. I had a teacher is high school that used to help me for hours after school in math. I never told her how much I appreciated her ability to listen to my mind numbing questions over and over again and her willingness to remain in school for all that extra time. I ended up with an 80ish average that year and a belief in myself that I could do math. Although this later proved not to be true (I am a history teacher after all) I’ve always looked at this teacher as someone who knew what teachers were supposed to be. I’d like to also add that effective teachers have empathy. Listen to the kids and try to take interest in their ideas and hobbies and you create a bond that is immensely helpful."This advice from the teacher that I interviewed, especially the last couple sentences, has somewhat of the same idea as the first piece of advice that I mentioned. Relating to your students and having empathy can make them listen to you more and respect you because they know that you care about them. All of this advice will be extremely beneficial for as I begin teaching.
2011 NYS AHPERD Conference
In any profession, it is important to take part in professional development activities in order to improve your own skills and get new ideas that you can use and implement into your own profession. In physical education, the New York State Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance is an organization for teachers in New York State. This past week NYS AHPERD held a conference at Turning Stone which consisted of multiple presentation throughout the day that professionals and future professionals that were in attendance could observe and even take part in. I attended sessions on "Spicing up your warm-up", fitness assessment, Omnikin ball, and activities for elementary children to name a few. I learned a lot of new ideas from each session that I am going to use in the future when I can. Each session provided us with new games and activities along with modifications with each activity to get each student involved Learning all these new activities is going to be very beneficial since I will be student teaching in the spring semester.
This Conference was the first one that I had ever attended and I am very glad that I went. I was able to meet other professionals and I was even able to get some interviews with some of the other teachers and professionals that were there. They provided me with some good advice that I will be able to use in my future teaching endeavors.
Attending conferences, like the NYS AHPERD conference, is not only a way to learn more skills that you can use in your field in the future, it is a great way to begin networking. For a college student who is about to graduate and will be looking for a job in the very near future, this can be very important. Who knows, you could meet your future employer at conferences like these. This is why attending professional development workshops is important to not, not only as a current professional educator, but also as a future professional educator.
This Conference was the first one that I had ever attended and I am very glad that I went. I was able to meet other professionals and I was even able to get some interviews with some of the other teachers and professionals that were there. They provided me with some good advice that I will be able to use in my future teaching endeavors.
Attending conferences, like the NYS AHPERD conference, is not only a way to learn more skills that you can use in your field in the future, it is a great way to begin networking. For a college student who is about to graduate and will be looking for a job in the very near future, this can be very important. Who knows, you could meet your future employer at conferences like these. This is why attending professional development workshops is important to not, not only as a current professional educator, but also as a future professional educator.
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