Professional portfolios are something that you can use throughout your career as a professional educator. Having one is very important because it shows your qualifications and it is a representation of yourself that you can show employers and others in order to help get you a job. Your portfolio shows a lot about yourself and you should take pride in it. This past semester I needed to put together my professional portfolio for my Pre-Student Teaching class. Everyone made a hard copy of their portfolio in a binder which is great to be able to bring that to a job interview to show your possible future employer. But what happens when you randomly run into a person on the street, begin to have a conversation with them and figure out that they may be a principal of a school or and athletic director who is looking for a physical education teacher,or the employer that you just interviewed with wants to look at your portfolio more but you only have one hard copy of it. The answer is make an electronic portfolio. This way, you can simply give the person the website of your electronic portfolio and then they can look at when they have time to.
Here is the website of my electronic portfolio. I just started it the other day so it is still a work in progress but please take a look at it and feel free to give me feedback on it so that it can help me improve it.
Electronic portfolios make it much easier for employers to look at it and it is very simple to be able to just give someone the website of your portfolio so they can look at it on their own time. This way, you can provide many employers with a way of knowing your qualifications and strengths as a professional educator.